DJ Toolkit offers tools for managing and validating a DJ library, ensuring that all Hot and Memory Cues are properly organized and ready for performance. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for importing a Rekordbox collection, defining and validating Hot Cue schemas, measuring time between Cues, and generating a detailed report. 

IMPORTANT: DJ Toolkit DOES NOT alter any files in the Rekordbox collection, making it completely safe to use.

Import Collection Tree

The Imported Collection Tree displays all folders, playlists, and tracks once they have been imported into DJ Toolkit.

Exporting Tracks from Rekordbox:

Import XML file into DJ Toolkit:

If the import is successful, all playlists and tracks will be displayed.

Hot Cue Scehema Definition

The Hot Cue Schema section allows the definition of rules for validating Hot Cues. There are 8 rows, each corresponding to a specific Hot Cue in Rekordbox.

NOTE: The schema will be automatically saved once created or edited.

Validation Selection

In the Validation Selection section, determine which validations to run on the selected playlists or tracks.

Validate HC - Tick the ‘Validate HC’ option to validate the Hot Cues of all the selected tracks against the defined Schema.

Match MC - Check the ‘Match MC’ option to see if each Hot Cue in the selected tracks has a matching Memory Cue. This validation verifies that the Hot Cues and Memory Cues are named identically and occur at the same point in the track, measured in milliseconds.

NOTE: This option does not use the Hot Cue Schema if selected alone. A recommended workflow is to first validate Hot Cues, resolve any issues, and then check the Memory Cues.

The section labeled ‘1st HC’, ‘2nd HC’, ‘Sec’, and ‘Diff’ allows for the measurement of time, in seconds, between any two Hot Cues.

Select the initial Hot Cue (1-8) and then the second. The second Hot Cue must be higher than the first (e.g. 1-8 or 2-5). Enter the number of seconds to validate against e.g. 180, and specify whether the difference should be less or greater than the entered value.

Example Use Case: For tracks that should last no more than 4 minutes between the 1st and 3rd Hot Cue, set the options to 1, 3, and 240 with ‘>>’. This will report any tracks that exceed this duration, allowing for review and potential adjustment of the Hot Cues. 

Execution Progress & Output File Selection

Press the "Execution" button to run the selected validations. The progress bar on the left will display the status of the process.

DJ Toolkit generates a report indicating which tracks passed or failed the validation checks. The report is output in XML format by default. I recommend Chris Lovett's "XML Notepad" to review the XML reports available free HERE

To save the report in plain text as well, tick the ‘TXT’ option. Click inside the output box to specify where the Validation report will be saved. 

Log Window

The log window will report status updates and any errors as appropriate. 

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